Printer Repair Services
In-Store vs. On-site Printer Repair
Depending upon what service facilities are near your location, you may have the option of either dropping your printer off at the facility for repair or having a technician repair it at your facility. Here are some considerations to think about: In-store service has the advantages of:
- Ready access to parts
- More complete testing and cleaning
- Less disruption in your location
- Often less expensive
However, on-site service is often faster and in a situation where your operation is virtually stopped dead in its tracks without the printer. This can be a major consideration.
Since a reputable repair company will usually guarantee their repair work for some period of time, the technician may determine that your equipment needs more service than he can provide in the field. In that case, he may recommend you allow him to take it back to the shop for more extensive service. If so, you’ll at least save yourself the chore of delivering and picking up the unit yourself.
If you are facing any problem with your printers CLT provides on-site and in-store services. Commercial Laser Technology is an authorized repair depot for brother, Fujitsu, Lexmark, Xerox & OKIdata so we stock a large number of printer parts for these brands. We have been repairing and selling HP for years and have been doing out of warranty work on HP printers from the first day we opened the doors!
CLT provides service and parts for over 30 other OEM’s. We’re proud of our staff’s ability to provide both on-site repair and top notch support and service in our GTA location.
CLT would like to take this opportunity to salute our knowledgeable bench technicians! Between them they have decades of experience repairing and troubleshooting network and printer hardware problems and are big part of CLT’s success.
Find A Local Printer Repair Service
Here’s the links to our trusted printer service partners in your area!
Halifax, Nova Scotia
The Fax & Printer Guy Email): call Ann Kelly (902) 832-6622 with a follow-up phone call to confirm the service call email was received is best contact method
Moncton, New Brunswick
DMC Computer Services: George McNamarra – (506) 382-4362 – call and ask for his e-mail if needed
Quebec (both Montreal & Quebec City)
Imagine Solutions de Bureau – Jacques Payment jacquespayment@videotron.ca and/or imagines@isb.ca – (514) 769-0646
Ontario, Ottawa/Hull/Kingston & Vicinity
ADAPTEK Systems, Inc: A computer networking services company with a custom built service focus, including Citrix MetaFrame XP and Custom built computers.
– call Gilles Monette – (613) 526-2852 –Email
London, Ontario
Hardware Solutions (Email):
Specialize in laser printer repair and computer hardware support. Inkjets repaired on best effort and cost effectiveness. Will also secure printer, PC and monitors with security cables and locks as needed.
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Carlyle Printer Service: A comprehensive guide to your Total Office Printing Solution. From hardware, service and a full range of computer supplies. Take a look around and discover the products and services that we can provide to your office or home.
Calgary, Alberta
Cal-Imaging Specialists: Specializes in the business document imaging industry. Whether you want to input and manage, or print, copy, and fax documents we offer the expertise to analyze your requirements and provide recommendations to cost effectively handle all of your document management needs.
Edmonton, Alberta
Saints Computing:Email Scott Morrison – (780) 490-7922
will usually call to confirm with you or e-mail
Vancouver, British Columbia
Business Pro Computer Products
Contact: Graham Mitchell (604) 871-01-95 Fax: (604) 871-0194